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Many people has given their opinions on what happen in Aceh and how might a better solution could be achieved to solve problems in Aceh. Some of the opinions is travelers stories who have visit Aceh in period/after military operation. Others opinion given by academician that study Aceh history. Below several writings that I find interesting. 

Articles from Journal 

Eyeing Indonesia Through the Lens of Aceh (by Samantha F. Ravich, The Washington Quarterly, Summer 2000)
Aceh : A Self-Fulfilling Promise?
(by Karim D. Crow, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, April 2000)

Short Articles

Aceh's Year of Living Dangerously
(by Leon Jones, Inside Indonesia magazine, January-March 1997)
The Similarity of East Timor and Aceh Under Soeharto Dictatorship (by Fernando de Araujo, RENETIL, December 12, 1998)
Aceh: Conflict of Religion or Political Manufacturing?
(by Jafar Siddiq Hamzah, International Forum for Aceh, January 19, 1999)
Autonomy Not Enough for Aceh?
(by Marianne Kearney, March 27, 1999) 
Worse to Come
(by John McBeth et. al., July 29, 1999)
Children Suffer in Aceh's Many Years of Unrest
(by Tarmilin Usman, October 19, 1999)
Of Pain and Humiliation: The Velvet Protests in Aceh
(by Aboeprijadi Santoso, December 13, 1999) 
Indonesia's Eleventh Hour in Aceh
(by Donald K. Emmerson, December 17, 1999)
Which Way Aceh? 
(by Anthony Reid, March 16, 2000)

Webmaster: Rizali Pidie 
Send mail to rpidie@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: October 05, 2000