First, I would like to show my gratitude to National University of Singapore for granted me "Research Scholarship" (1999-2000) that make me possible to use all resources to create this homepage. The computer which I use to create the homepage, internet connection, library, etc; come from the NUS. I really appreciate my friends Michael Budhiawan, Tan Weng Kit, and Shanty for teaching me how to build homepage. Of course I don't forget others friends at Eusoff College (Favan, Ruanny, Syukree, and Chang) that always discuss about Aceh issues and encourage me to promote Aceh causes. Thanks also to all my friends at home, Pasir Panjang Club (Mira, Mbak Wiwik, Lina, Rahmat, Ucok, and Shanty), for being patient listener to my complaint about what happen in Aceh. My special appreciation to my cyber-friend, Mr. Djon Diapari, from Indonesischer Förderkreis TOLERANSI in German. We meet through cyber-space in early 1999. Although in our first acquaintance I am completely blind with anger and hate, but Bang Djon (that is the way I call him) keep patient and sincere. Finally Bang Djon make me realize that I can do something better for Aceh rather than only voicing my anger and avenge. Another my cyber-friends - also from German - is Miss Marianne Klute from "Watch Indonesia" I don't have to mention how Mr. M. Nur Djuli - from Support Committee for Human Rights in Aceh (SCHRA) - help me by providing various information about Aceh. For Thou who has support promoting my Aceh Links, in various way, I will never forget you: Nikki van der Gaag (New International), Ravi Khanna (1world communication), T.Matthew Ciolek (The Asian Studies WWW Monitor), and Paul Kratoska (H-SEASIA Editor ). As
you might have check that most of the information provide here are taken from
various external links/organization, such as: TAPOL,
Amnesty International,
Human Right Watch, Inside
Indonesia, World Socialist Web Site, Indopubs-Apakabar,
GATRA, Tempo, DetikWorld,
Kompas, The
Jakarta Post, The Straits Time,
Channel NewsAsia,
That is why all the positive respond on Aceh Links from visitor suppose attend
to all above organizations. |
Webmaster: Rizali Pidie