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PUBLIC AI Index: ASA 21/18/00 

UA 74/00 
Possible "Disappearance"/Fear for Safety/ Fear of Torture or Ill-treatment
 30 March 2000 

M. Isa Daud, 32, public minibus driver 
Ramli, 30, farmer 
Marhaban Juned, 28, farmer 

The three men named above were reportedly arrested yesterday by the Indonesian army in Aceh Besar District. People detained by the military in Aceh are at high risk of torture and ill-treatment, and Amnesty International is concerned for their safety. 

Indonesian National Army (TNI) soldiers in three military trucks reportedly came to the rice field where Marhaban Juned was working, in Cot Lamee village, Kuta Baro Sub-district, just before 11am on 29 March. They reportedly beat him on the back, head and face and took him away. 

TNI soldiers reportedly arrested Ramli at a coffee house in nearby Lam Raya village a few minutes later. 

M. Isa Daud was reportedly stopped by the TNI at around noon, as he was driving his bus through Cot Raja, another village in Kuta Baro. They took him away in a military truck. 

All three are believed to be detained at District Military Command No. 1 (Kodim 1) in Aceh Besar. Relatives who went to Kodim 1 to look for them were told that the three had been arrested, but were not allowed to see them. A local non-governmental organization contacted Kodim 1 for more information, but Kodim personnel refused to answer their questions. 


The human rights situation in Aceh continues to deteriorate. There are unconfirmed reports that 179 people have been killed in Aceh so far this year during military and police counter-insurgency operations against the armed opposition group Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM). Dozens have also been arrested during security forces "sweeping operations" to round up GAM members. 

Human rights defenders and humanitarian workers have faced increased harassment, intimidation and arrests in recent weeks. 

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send telegrams/faxes/express/airmail letters in Bahasa Indonesia or your own language: 

* urging the authorities to establish and make public the whereabouts of Marhaban Juned, Ramli and M. Isa Daud; 

* urging that, if they have been arrested, they be released immediately unless they are to be charged with a recognisably criminal offence; - 

* urging the authorities to guarantee the men's safety and ensure that they are given immediate access to their families, lawyers and any medical treatment they may need; 

* calling on the authorities to issue immediate instructions to the security forces to halt all arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture and ill-treatment, "disappearances" and unlawful killings. 


Major General Affandi 
Military Commandar for Aceh 
Pangdam I/Bukit Barisan 
Markas Besar KODAM I 
Sumatra Utara 
Salutation: Dear Commander 

Minister of Defence and Security 
Dr Juwono Sudarsono 
Menteri Pertahanan dan Keamanan 
Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 13-14 
Jakarta Pusat 10110 
Telegrams: Menteri Pertahanan dan Keamanan, Jakarta, Indonesia 
Faxes: +62 21 381 4535 / 384 5178 
Salutation: Dear Minister 


Mr Hasballah M. Saad 
State Minister for Human Rights Affairs 
Jl Kuningan Timur M 2/5 
Jakarta 12950 
Faxes: +62 21 525 0075 / 525 0139 
Salutation: Dear Minister 

and to diplomatic representatives of Indonesia accredited to your country. 

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 11 May 2000. 

Webmaster: Rizali Pidie 
Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: May 18, 2000